The last couple of days my hair hasn't quite its regular self. Kind of dull and flat. I thought it might be the weather or the fact I've been going to bed earlier than usual, but when I tried to pull out a handful of hair yesterday, a lot more came out than I'd ever seen before. Even my wife commented that it looked noticeably thinner than usual. I'll definitely keep an eye on this.
In fact, yesterday was my worst day so far. I got tired very early, and went to bed at noon and stayed there on and off until this morning. The arm that received the gemzar is very sore from my elbow to my fingers, and is swollen and red. I'll keep an eye on this too.
Chemo is a bit like being on a teeter-totter. It's very easy to tip yourself one way or the other. On Thursday I had another guy in my room who was about to have his first session. As the nurse told him the side-effects, and what he could expect in the coming months--in much detail--he almost became ill before the IV was inserted.
This has not been a good weekend. But compared to what many others go though, I still consider myself pretty fortunate.